Upcoming events and game modes

  • Daily Quests and Events - To Be Announced

  • Adventure Mode - Players will be able to discover new ingredients in other parts of the world map through exploration through trade. Players will be able to choose to take on the role of explorers to embark on a search for specific ingredients from other areas of the map. When embarking on a trip, they will have the opportunity to choose their destination depending on the characteristics of the trip and the conditions that are necessary to start it (distance, provisions, potions).

  • PVP trade - Players will be free to buy or sell magical items to other players by visiting their shops. The deal will be made directly with the store manager and the products may be offered or counter-offered.

  • Gambling Step Gadget - Feeling lucky? Get a taste of the rewards the Potion Seller has in store for you by exchanging equivalent magic items for a random contraption ranging from a new potion to a special cauldron.

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